Introduction Many in the laboratory profession speculate about what the future may hold for this field. Automation continues to be introduced for higher complexity testing.View More
Introduction We’ve all heard, time and again, the importance of electrolytes to help keep our bodies running like a well-oiled machine. Sodium, potassium, chloride, andView More
Blood Blog 1 – The Heme Molecule and Hemoglobin
Introduction Did you ever wonder what blood is made of? Well, it’s more than just red-colored liquid! In this blog series about blood, we’ll startView More
An Interesting Case of Rh Discrepancy
Many of us learn our blood type either through a blood test or by donating blood, and know that the blood type should remain theView More
Basics of Antibiotic Cascade Reporting
Principles of Six Sigma in the Laboratory
Most of us would think 99.9% accuracy sounds pretty good on paper. But in the lab, that can translate to 1 error per thousand tests.View More
A Brief Introduction to Immunity and Immune Response
Immunity, by simple medical definition, is the process that occurs to protect the body against pathogens and infectious diseases. There are various processes within ourView More
Medical Laboratory Safety – Part 4: Laboratory Biosafety Levels
Introduction In part 1 of our Safety series, I provided an introduction to laboratory safety principles. Part 2 showed you what a Biological Risk AssessmentView More
Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn (HDFN)
During pregnancy, there are a lot of ways the mother’s body protects and supports the baby. One way is to produce antibodies to ward offView More
Medical Laboratory Project Management Series – Part 4 – Agile Methodology
In this final installment of the project management series, the Agile methodology will be examined. This is the most fluid of all the methodologies. StepsView More