Most of us would think 99.9% accuracy sounds pretty good on paper. But in the lab, that can translate to 1 error per thousand tests.View More
Tag: Med Lab Study Hall
Medical Laboratory Safety – Part 4: Laboratory Biosafety Levels
Introduction In part 1 of our Safety series, I provided an introduction to laboratory safety principles. Part 2 showed you what a Biological Risk AssessmentView More
Medical Laboratory Safety – Part 2: Biological Risk Assessment
Introduction In the first blog in our safety series, Laboratory Safety: Biosafety Introduction, I shared an overview of what biosafety is, why it is important,View More
Agglutination and Blood Groups
Introduction From the beginning, Blood Bank testing has been based on the observation of cells clumping together in the presence of serum, plasma, or reagents. ThisView More
Oh, How the Times are Changing – Automation in the Clinical Microbiology Lab
Clinical microbiology labs have always been the least automated department in the clinical laboratory. However, the times are changing. Automation is beginning to enter clinical microbiology labs. This blog takes a look at the past, present, and future of automation in the clinical microbiology laboratory.
One Title to Unify Them All – Medical Laboratory Scientist
What do you think of when you wonder where your blood specimen goes after “the lab” collects it? Is it a magic box where theView More
Excite Your Inner Science Nerd – Find RBC & WBC Inclusions!
Science Nerds: see if you can find these inclusions on your next peripheral smear evaluation!